Undocumented US immigrants in US more likely than ever to have children who are US citizens

Today the Pew Research Center Hispanic Trends Project released a report showing that the U.S. population of immigrants lacking authorization has decreased in the past few years, and undocumented immigrants are more likely to be long-term residents with U.S.-born children.

Ali Noorani, Executive Director of the National Immigration Forum, responded:

“More and more, America is home to immigrants who have put down roots and want to contribute as fully as they can. Right now our broken immigration system is holding them back.

“The Pew Report shows the potential of America. America will succeed if new Americans have the opportunities, skills and status to reach their fullest potential. All of us will benefit when we have an immigration process that welcomes and integrates new Americans.

“Furthermore, the decrease in the undocumented population is further evidence that our border is as secure as it has ever been. To keep this trend going in a way that benefits our families and our economy, Congress and the administration need to work together on immigration reform.”